by | Nov 16, 2015 | Award Guidelines, Handbooks
SRP-MentorshipAwardGuidelines CmteChairHndbk__revised_10.3.2016
by seack | Mar 14, 2015 | Handbooks, Membership Documentation
1. Login to the memberclicks administration site at 2. At the top of the page, under "Reports", select "Form User Report" 3. Select the "Membership Applicants" report 4. Edit report details as necessary (particularly date...
by seack | Feb 12, 2015 | Handbooks, Program Guidelines
Program chairs manage SRP abstract submissions through the OpenConf chair section. Chair Portal Information Login at and select Chair sign-in. From there you can review, edit, delete, accept, and perform other actions on submitted...
by seack | Oct 16, 2014 | Handbooks, Program Guidelines
1. Login to wordpress 2. Click on posts on the left 3. Click on add new 4. Cut-and-paste your notes 5. Check Meeting Minutes 6. Click Publish/Update
by seack | Oct 19, 2013 | Handbooks, Web Admin
by | Jul 30, 2013 | Award Guidelines, Handbooks
SRP-AwardsSummary-1 A concise guide to who gets registration, banquet, hotel, or honoraria.