Program chairs manage SRP abstract submissions through the OpenConf chair section.
Chair Portal Information
Login at and select Chair sign-in. From there you can review, edit, delete, accept, and perform other actions on submitted abstracts.
Abstract Review Process
Abstracts are reviewed by the program chair and members of the program committee. Reviewers
will sign-up with the chair with a specific reviewer code and create an account, after which
the chair will designate abstracts to be reviewed in the chair section.
Generally the chair will not need to change settings in the Settings section or Configuration subsection, which has been pre-configured by the web team. Whether the portal is open can be modified by change the Open/Close status of abstract submissions.
Creating the Program
Once abstracts are reviewed and decisions have been made on acceptance, the program chair is responsible for creating the program schedule and assigning abstracts to that schedule. This functionality can be accessed under the Program section in the Chair section of OpenConf. Create/Edit program is the main section of interest. Be sure not to Open the program until it is finalized, as it will be public once opened.
Creating the Printable Program Book
Once a program is created, a printable program book using a standardized format from previous years of SRP conferences can be automatically generated and printed under the SRP section by selecting Create Program Book.
Assigning Poster Boards
Poster Boards are assigned only to accepted abstracts that have been assigned a session in the program. The chair can manually assign, modify, or reorder Poster Boards under the SRP section by selecting Assign Poster Boards.