SRP Board Meeting
Sunday September 13th , 2009
Present: Deanna Barch, Jill Hooley, Tom Oltmanns, Michael Young, Suzanne King, Angus MacDonald, Jutta Joormann, Sheri Johnson, Michael Pogue-Geile, Bill Horan, Eric Granholm, Patty Deldin, Howard Berenbaum, Kate Harkness. Absent: Wendy Heller
Website Committee:
Necessary Functions:
Membership list updatable by members when they log on.
The website maintains the distribution list
Full Members
Associate Members
Ability to pay dues (through Paypal??)
Ability to do on line registration for conferences (through Paypal??)
Ability to do conference abstract submissions
Opportunities section – members can add listings, listings automatically archived after a certain period of time
Officer list that is modifiable and able to be archived
Award winners modifiable and able to be archived
Interface for the abstracts need to be more user friendly
Smadar Levine button was not working.
Hosted by Kenny King inc
Bugs email
Add a section on meeting planning that would have the local host guide and spread sheet.
Shawn suggested we have a real company host it. Network solutions is a long standing company that will host. Can also do web design. Unix hosting package. Write it in code that
Suggestions for new people on the committee:
Kate Harkness
Jutta Joormann
Michael Young
Lee Anna Clark
Local Host Committee Report (Angus MacDonald): Final attendance numbers are 261. There were 86 plates ordered for the banquet. Revenue comes to 33,145 dollars. In addition, $4,000 in banquet tickets. About $500 in APA CEUs. There was $2000 from U of Min, $3,000 from Astra Zeneca. Total Expenses were approximately $37,217. Need to make sure that host book gets sent along.
Treasurer’s Report (Suzanne King):
Program Committee Report (Jutta Joormann):
Early Career Awards Proposal:
Mentoring: SMACC Sustained Mentoring Accomplishments. The suggestion was made that we do it like the Early Career award. We decided to create a committee to make a suggested plan. Tom Oltmanns, Howard Berenbaum and Deanna Barch will be on the committee to generate ideas.
Future meetings: dates and locations
2010 Seattle October 7th to October 10th Local Host: Ted Beauchaine
2011 Boston Local Host: Christine Hooker
2012 Ann Arbor Local Host: Patti Deldin
2013 San Francisco Local Host: Ann Kring and Sheri Johnson
2014 Chicago Local Host: Stu Shankman
2015 San Diego Local Host: Bill Kremen