Members’ Business Meeting – Friday, October 5th, 2007
Secretary’s report – Deanna Barch:
Election Results:
President Elect – Jill Hooley
Two New Executive Board Members: Scott Granholm, Wendy Heller
Deanna reported that we held our first on-line elections this year, and that it went very well. Deanna also noted that this year we will need to elect a new secretary and a new treasurer.
Treasurer’s report – Michael Young:
Our financial status is steady and good. We have approximately 240 people attending the conference. We had donations from Pfizer and from some publication companies. We have a solid reserve fund primarily in Fidelity Mutual Funds (~$125,000). Michael noted that it is good for us to have several times our reserve funds in the bank. Michael O’Hara asked how much the cancelled Miami meeting cost us, which Michael Young said was about $1,000 to $2,000 dollars. However, Michael Green noted that other types of cancellations could cost a great deal of money (e.g., SARS, 9-11, etc.). Keith described the policy we developed in regards to registration. Specifically, registration will be $130 until the date on which the hotel booking closes. The registration fee will then rise to $180 for on-line registration until the meeting, and will go to $200 on-site. Keith suggested that we all make sure to communicate this to our students and postdocs.
Local Host Committee – Lee Anna Clark:
Lee Anna noted that arranging for Internet access was not the in local organizers handbook, but should be added. She also noted that we had more onsite registrations than Lee Anna had anticipated. Lee Anna reminded people to fill out the meeting evaluations.
Program Committee – Bill Hetrick:
Bill thanked the members of the program committee, which were Jack Nitschke, Kate Harkness, Tom Oltmanns, Stuart Sponheim and Bob Kruger. Bill thanked people for their excellent submissions. We had ~150 poster submissions, 29 of which were Smadar Levin application. We had 6 symposia and one panel discussion. To accommodate these, they added an extra dual-track session. They had 7 oral only submitted (accepted) and 21 poster or oral, and they took nine of those for paper presentations.
Federation Report – Eric Turkheimer:
This is a lobbying organization. They meet in December and representatives from a number of behavioral science organization attend the meeting. Eric found the meeting very interesting and that it was clear that it was good that there were people working on the lobbying issues. As one example, someone noted that the National Diabetes Association was putting together a meeting to organize the 10-year plan, and there was no behavioral scientists invited. The head of the federation made sure that a behavioral scientists was involved. Deanna sends around the newsletter for the Federation. The Federation occasionally needs someone from organizations such as our to go to DC or other places to help with Lobbying if they are someone who gets funded in a certain way.
Publication Committee suggestions for future – Jason Schiffman:
Keith noted that last year it was recognition that the old newsletter was outmoded and perhaps not needed. A committee was formed to think of ideas as to what to do with this (Craig Neumann, Jason Schiffman, Debra Walder). An innovative idea that they came up with was a “newspaper” like format in which graduate students would interview members, invited speakers, etc. to have them be more invested in the society and the meeting. Jason and Debra have agreed to move this forward. Jason and Debra, together with some students, have come up with a “script” and they will interview about four members and use it is an example approach to doing this. They will interview Keith Nuechterlein, Scott Monroe, Milt Strauss, and Bob Krueger. Scott suggested that we think of ways to integrate this with the program committee if it were feasible. Angus asked if it had been decided that it would be integrated with the website, and he noted that the web committee did not yet set up a way to do this on the website. Jason said that they were not that far yet in thinking about dissemination. Michael O’Hara wanted to make two proposals. Michael O’Hara and David Watson have been discussing the limited space in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology for experimental psychopathology journals, and that there are relatively few other outlets. Keith noted that the board had discussed, and had concerns about the ways in which it would change the society. Keith asked Michael O’Hara to come up with a more concrete proposal. Michael O’Hara suggested that we fancy up the website by including things such as pictures, CVs, etc. Keith and Angus highlighted the updates that were currently available and what plans were in the works.
Keith announced that we need another member with some technological savvy to be a member of the website committee.
Continuing Education Credit at SRP meeting – Keith Nuechterlein:
Keith noted the positive response to the offering of CE.
Locations of future meetings
- 2008 Pittsburgh, PA – Update from Michael Pogue-Geile. The dates will either be 9/25/08 or 10/15/08
- 2009 Minneapolis, MN
- 2010 Seattle, WA
- 2011?
- 2012?
Offers from Mark Lenzenweger to host in Ithica, Patty Deldin to host in Ann Arbor and Bill Kremen to host in San Diego.
Membership Report – Keith Nuechterlein. Keith reported that we had 28 applications, which we accepted.