Present: Lee Anna Clark, Nancy Docherty, Ian Gotlib, Michael Green, Sheri Johnson, Daniel Klein, Raymond Knight, Deborah Levy, Scott Monroe, Steve Silverstein, Thomas Widiger, Michael Young
Absent: Barbara Cornblatt, Robert Dworkin
The meeting was called to order by Ray Knight, President.
I. Conference Evaluation: The Board discussed methods for evaluating annual meetings, for purposes of planning of future meetings. The conclusion was that an evaluation form should be sent out to members via the listserv. The Program Chairs for this year and next, Steve Silverstein and Sheri Johnson, agreed to create an evaluation form and send it out, to get feedback from 2002 meeting attendees, for purposes of planning the 2003 meeting.
II. Future Meeting Sites and Dates: Sites and local hosts for future meetings are as follows: 2003, Toronto, Richard Steffy; 2004, St. Louis, Deanna Barch; 2005, Miami, Sheri Johnson; 2006, San Diego, Eric Granholm. Ray Knight will follow up on New York and Pittsburgh as sites for 2007 and 2008. Dates for the meetings will be selected by the local hosts, in consultation with the Board, and planning around other meetings and holidays.
III. Historian: Milton Strauss has resigned as SRP Historian. He has archival materials to pass along to someone. The Board would like to have an organized and more complete archive. Suggestions for the archives included the creation of videotaped interviews with senior members, and collection of old footage of earlier members. Ray Knight moved that something be done to create and keep an archival record. Steve Silverstein seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. Ray Knight agreed to seek out someone suitable to undertake this task. (Stu Steinhauer later agreed to do it).
IV. Website: The previous website committee is no longer in existence. A new website committee was formed to pursue development of a more sophisticated website. This committee consists of Nancy Docherty, Lee Anna Clark, Mike Young, and Ray Knight. Ray Knight moved that $10,000 be allocated for website development. Keith Nuechterlein seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
V. Newsletter: There was only one issue of the newsletter this year, instead of the usual two. It was decided that an additional Editor should be recruited to assist the current Editor. Those present also felt that it would be preferable to send the newsletter out by e-mail rather than by post. Nancy Docherty will relay these developments to Diane Gooding, the current Editor.
VI. Presidential Term: Ray Knight suggested that the President's term be extended in the future, on the grounds that one year is not long enough to accomplish very much. After discussion, the Board members decided that a one-year term was preferable to a longer one.
VII. Student Posters: This year the Program Committee invited each student poster presenter to name three members the student would like to have visit his/her poster. These requests were them relayed to the members named. Steve Silverstein reported that this worked out well, and should be continued at future meetings, but perhaps could be done closer to the meeting time.
Smadar Levin submissions sometimes exceeded the page limits. These limits should be clarified in the next Call for Abstracts.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.