Meeting called to order at 5:15 PM by Michael O’Hara

Mike O’Hara thanked Suzanne King for her work on local arrangements and Michael Young for chairing the program committee, as well as the members of the program committee (Abigail Baird, Nancy Docherty, Wendy Heller, Sherri Johnson, Sohee Park, Zindel Segal). He also thanks the members of the Smadar Levin Award Committee (Paul Blaney as Chair, David Kosson, Keith Nuechterlein, Edwin Cook).

Mike O'Hara announced that the new president-elect is Barbara Cornblatt, the new treasurer is Robert Bilder, and that Susan Mineka and Robert Dworkin were elected to the board.

Thanks to Mike Dawson and Jill Hooley for their work on the board.

It was announced that the meeting next year will be in Bolder, Colorado the weekend of November 30, 2000 to December 3, 2000. Dave Miklowitz is in charge of local arrangements. In the year 2001, the meeting will be in Madison, Wisconsin with Richard Davidson and others from the University of Wisconsin handling local arrangements.

Secretary's Reports: Mike Raulin

Mike reported on the two motions pass at Thursday evening's board meeting (concerning special evaluation procedures for membership applications and external funding for groups such as drug companies). He also reported on plans for a web site for the organization and a centralized email distribution list to make timely and cost-effective communication with members easier. Several suggestions were made about how to expand the web site and the move toward electronic communication, including possibly voting electronically.

Treasurer's Report: Ray Knight

Ray reported that last year's conference was more expensive that anticipated, but that the financial situation for the organization is still strong. Current balance is just over $29,000. We have already paid out some money for the conference in Montreal. We have collected $3,836 in dues so far this year. Preregistration for banquet is $2965.00, and preregistration fees are $10,630.00. Late dues are $3,392. Onsite registration last year was $7,157.00. We overspent by nearly 10,000 at last year’s meeting. The majority of expenses for the year are associated with the meeting. We have tended to break even each year, using dues money to offset small losses on the conference. If we want extras at the conference, we will have to raise dues, raise fees, or generate additional funds.

Membership Committee: Reported by Mike O’Hara

Mike O’Hara reported on Barbara’s behalf that 14 full members and 3 associate members were accepted at the Thursday evening board meeting. (NOTE: Actually, the 14th member was accepted tentatively pending the review by a special committee.)

Local Arrangements: Suzanne King

Everything seems to be going smoothly so far. The budget had been based on a plan of 200 and a banquet of 100. We accounted for just over 100 rooms in the hotel, which gave the organization two free rooms, which were used for the invited speakers. Suzanne will pass on everything that she has to David Miklowitz for next year’s conference. Suzanne acknowledged the help of six students and research students in handling registration and other items during the conference.

New Business:

There was a discussion of whether we should raise the registration fees to make it possible for us to do things like providing more poster space if necessary. This discussion was in the context of talking about raising more external funds. We would still try to make it affordable for students.

We want to seriously look into looking into getting external funds, primarily from drug companies. Milt Strauss suggested getting in touch with Phil Harvey and Bob Bilder, who already have relationships with drug companies. Richie Davidson agreed to also look into this for the Madison meeting.

We will be sending the program to those people who did not attend in an attempt to do an outreach to those members who do not regularly attend. It was hoped that making the program available to those who did not attend would enhance attendance at future meetings because those not in attendance would see how strong the program is.

Stuart Steinhauer suggested that it would be useful to have the entire program placed on the web site in advance of the program. It was agreed to do that for the next meeting and future meetings.

Milt Strauss noted that he may be able to handle accreditation for continuing education for future conferences. He agreed to check on how this could be arranged for the Bolder conference.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:50 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Michael Raulin



The Zubin awardee for 1999 is Aaron T. Beck

The Smadar Levin awardee is GET FROM PAUL BLANEY

The Smadar Levin awardee runners-up is GET FROM PAUL BLANEY

The following are officers of the Society for 1999-2000

President: Elaine Walker

President-Elect: Barbara Cornblatt *

Past-President: Michael O'Hara

Secretary: Mike Raulin (through 2001)

Treasurer: Robert Bilder (through 2002)*

Past-Past-President: Phil Holzman

Executive Board:

Howard Berenbaum (through 2000)

Lee Anna Clark (through 2000)

Robert Dworkin (through 2002)*

Raymond Knight (through 2001) [completing the term on Barbara Cornblatt]

Greg Miller (through 2001)

Susan Mineka (through 2002)*

Keith Nuechterlein (through 2000)

Elaine Walker (through 2001)

*Indicates results of election conducted in the Fall of 1999.

Note: Membership Chair is Barbara Cornblatt. Newsletter Editor is Michael

Young and his Associate Editor is Michael Pogue-Geile. Past-past-president is

the Chair of the Nominations Committee.