Member’s Meeting, Friday, October 8th, 2010
Secretary’s Report: Deanna Barch reported on the recent elections
Treasurer’s Report: Suzanne King reported on the following:
• SRP is a good deal in terms of the cost of registration and dues
• On-site registration was nearly double of prior years. There was some discussion that this might have been due to some problems with the online payment system.
• 265 registrations total
• Suzanne raised the issue of increasing dues, and there was good support for a raise to $75, but less support for a raise to $100
Membership Report: Deanna reported on the number of new member applications and approval. Tom Oltmanns asked for a volunteer for a new Membership Chair, as Jack will be stepping down to take over as program chair for the 2011 meeting. Deanna will also send a post on the listserve asking for a volunteer.
Early Career Award: Sheri Johnson reported on the results of the early career award (Alexandra Burt) and Tom Oltmanns reported that Kate Harkness would take over as chair of this committee for the upcoming year.
Sustained Mentorship Award: Tom Oltmanns announced the creation of the sustained mentorship award to start in 2011.
CE Credits: Tom Oltmanns discussed the need for more regular CE credits, and ask for members to check whether their home universities could manage this across different sites.
SRP & SPR Relationship: Scott Sponheim raised the possibility of trying to combine or coordinate SRP with SPR meetings, given their frequent closeness in time, and their occasional overlap in location. The proposal was to consider an overlap day at some future meetings. There were sentiments both for and against this idea, with the advantages being scientific expansion and convenience for members who attend both. The disadvantages were that it might require movement of the normal SRP dates and it may be hard for individuals to be gone for two meetings in a row. Michael Pogue-Geile will organize a group to look at this option, with a potential survey to members.