Twenty Sixth Annual Meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology
SRP Sunday Board Meeting 2012
Sunday, October 07, 2012
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Society for Research in Psychopathology
Ann Arbor, MI, October 4-7, 2012

Executive Board Meeting II Minutes
Sunday, 10/7/12, 8:00-9:30
Michigan League, Kalamazoo Board Room

Executive Board Voting Members in Attendance: President Deanna Barch; Secretary Sheri Johnson; Treasurer Bill Horan; Past-President Lee Anna Clark; President-Elect Ann Kring; Executive Board Members-at-Large: Jutta Joormann and Patty Deldin (2009-2013), Bob Krueger and Diego Pizzagalli (2010-2015), Steve Silverstein and Scott Sponheim (2011-2015), and Angus MacDonald and Elizabeth Hayden (2012-2016).

Observers in Attendance: Program Chair: Jennifer Tackett; Program Chair-Elect: Alex Burt

Updates/ Reports

1. Opening remarks: Deanna Barch
Deanna introduced new chairs for this year. Previous chairs will serve on each committee.
a. Early Career Award Chair: Bill Hetrick
b. Mentor Award: Howard Berenbaum
c. Smadar Levin Award: June Gruber

2. Secretary’s Report: Sheri Johnson
At the business meeting, members voted unanimously to approve the following recommendations of the board:
The Early Career Award is amended to strike the requirement that candidates be nontenured
The word “sustained” will be removed from the mentor award title.
We will institute a deadline for membership applications of September 1st each year.
Lee Anna will work with committee chairs to synchronize the format and information provided across handbooks.

3. 2012 Local Host Report: Patty Deldin
Since the Friday report, there have been 20 more people who registered for CE credits and 20 more onsite registrations.
The local host recommend that future student socials be hosted at a bar, with coupons for a free drink. The student social also included an optional ice breaker in which students had to find out the names, advisor, and research topic of 5 new students in order to enter a raffle. The event and the ice breaker were well-received.

4. 2012 Program Committee Report: Jennifer Tackett [absent]
Having the program committee members attend the sessions as time keepers was helpful.
The Face of the Future Symposium was well received.
Some members asked for a survey of the new format of more double sessions and one triple session.

5. 2013 Program Committee Report: Alexandra Burt
Jennifer Tackett, Susan South, Vijay Mittal, Jason Shiffman will serve as members of the committee.
Invited speakers include Helen Neville and Laurence Steinberg.
An early meeting start is more feasible on the West coast.

Old/ Ongoing Business Discussions

1. Recruitment of SRP members’ to submit research blurbs to FABBS. Deadline = Oct. 15
Lee Anna Clark, Deanna Barch and William Horan agreed to submit research blurbs.

2. Potential Future Meetings:
2016 Baltimore, hopefully in the Inner Harbor area (Jim Gold and Jason Shiffman);
2017 Boulder (Vijay Mittal, to check on hotel size)
2018 Indianapolis (Bill Hetrick with colleagues from other Indiana schools). --

3. Fundraising Committee
Mike O’Hara and Michael Green have agreed to consider fundraising initiatives.

4. Early Career Award changes were clarified and discussed:
a. As above, the requirement that applicants be untenured and an assistant professor will be removed
b. We will add a link to the website to enhance visibility
c. The secretary will send an email encouraging mentors to nominate their great students
d. Change the language for 4 years—“may not be” instead of “unlikely to be.”
e. Continue the Faces of the Future Symposium to create visibility
f. Applicants will continue to self-nominate.

5. Conference rates for undergraduates
No particular initiative was favored for enhancing undergraduate attendance.

6. Increasing international attendance and visibility
a. We would like to encourage attendance of individuals from emerging nations (non-OECD). Deanna will draft a potential application form that could be posted on the website. If applications were approved, this would provide a mechanism to grant free registration.
b. We will consider advertising our program with the British Psychological Society, and other EU Psychological Associations such as BABCP, EABCP. The secretary can look for other society websites that would be appropriate for cross-listing each year.
c. Deanna will work with one of her staff members on developing a one-page flyer that could be sent to other societies.

7. Paper copies of program
Several members reported they would like to preserve paper copies.

8. Website Committee:
We confirmed the plan to hire a programmer/consultant to address website concerns. Sheri compiled a list for the website committee.

New Business Discussion
1. Zubin Award
The past president noted that although the default has been to first consider SRP members as potential Zubin award members, this had not been formalized in the handbook.

The handbook will be updated to note that the committee will first review SRP membership for Zubin award candidates, although the Zubin committee has freedom to give the award to persons who are not SRP members as well. This motion passed unanimously.

2. Possible opportunities from the magnitude of SRP bank balance

It was proposed that we form a committee to consider initiatives for increasing the diversity of applicants. By a vote of the board, this proposal passed unanimously.
Jutta Joormann, Steve Silverstein, Elizabeth Hayden will serve as members of the diversity task force.
3. SRP student committee
It was proposed that we form a SRP student committee. The charge of the committee would be to represent the interests of students and to provide suggestions for promoting engagement of students in SRP. By a vote of the board, this proposal passed unanimously.
The student committee would be comprised of one student from the past conference site, one from the current site, and one from the future site. In the future, each site representative would serve for 3 years (although with graduations or changing roles, students could pass their responsibility to a new student at their site).
To start the process, a student from Ann Arbor will be nominated to serve for 1 year, a student from Berkeley will serve for the next 2 years, and a student from the Chicago area will serve for 3 years.
The board would include one advisor from the executive board. The advisor will rotate every two years.
Scott Sponheim has agreed to serve as the initial board member advisor.
As the committee forms, the secretary can help them spread the word by sending an email to students who registered for the conference and to members to announce the committee and to welcome input. Members also will receive an email with a request that they forward it to their students.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:35 am.