Members' Meeting Minutes
Friday, October 05, 2012
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Society for Research in Psychopathology
Ann Arbor, MI, October 4-7, 2012
Members' Meeting Minutes
Friday, 10/5/12, 5:45-6:45
Hussey Room
Updates/ Reports
1. President's Welcome: Lee Anna Clark
2. Secretary’s Report: Sheri Johnson
Ann Kring has been elected the next president-elect.
Elizabeth Hayden and Angus MacDonald have been elected as board members at large.
3. Treasurer’s Report: Bill Horan/ Marty Harrow
2011 Boston meeting final numbers:
o Total income (Registration, CE Credits, Banquet fees, Dues): $79,694.30
o Total expenses (Food, AV, Conference rooms, Awards, Speakers: $72,200
o Total net gain: $7,494.49
2012 Ann Arbor meeting finances to date:
o Income ((Registration, CE Credits, Banquet fees, Dues): $77,490
o Expenses (Food, AV, Conference rooms, Awards, Speakers): $47,939.69
Other accomplishments this year include the following:
o Resolved 2010 tax issues -- no penalty due!
o Worked with accountant on 2011 filing
o Michael O’Hara has become the registered agent for SRP in Iowa
o Changed the format of the annual meeting expense document
Financial Investments Final 2011 numbers:
o Value as of January 1, 2011: $104,739.52
o Value as of December 31, 2011: $98,285.13
o Total net loss for 2011: -$6,444.39
Our investment account value as of 10/2/2012 is $112,000
Lee Anna noted that the Executive Board had discussed whether to reduce registration fees. Because we anticipate that costs for meetings in larger cities will be more expensive, we plan to keep fees at a stable level so that the profit obtain from meetings in small cities allows us not to have to increase fees at more expensive cities
4. Local Host Report: Patty Deldin
A record 291 people preregistered and an additional 18 registered onsite (310 attendees).
Ninety people registered for the banquet and four more were invited.
5. Program Committee Report: Jennifer Tackett
The program included 210 posters and a larger number of talks than usual.
Changes this year included:
o Dual-track sessions other than for the plenary sessions
o One triple-track session (due partly to room constraints)
o Face of the Future Symposium, which was well received
6. Early Career Award Committee Report: LAC for Greg Miller
The 2012 Early Career Award winner is June Gruber.
Junior faculty are encouraged to apply for this award, and we recommend that faculty mentors encourage junior members to consider applying.
The executive board recommended striking the requirement that applicants to the Early Career Award must be pre-tenure.
By a unanimous vote, this recommendation was accepted by the members present.
7. Sustained Mentor Award Committee Report: Jill Hooley
The 2012 Sustained Mentor Award winner is Dan Klein.
Tom Oltmanns and Kate Harkness served as members of the committee.
The committee encourages suggestions for simplifying the nomination process.
We plan to add more detail on awards to the website.
The Executive Board recommended removing the word “sustained” from the title of the award. The members present unanimously voted in favor of this recommendation.
8. Smadar Levin Award Report: Lee Anna Clark for Don Lynam
Thomas Kwapil and Tim Straumann served on the Smadar Levin award committee.
The committee reviewed 90 abstracts and asked 16 students to submit a fuller summary.
The results will be announced at the banquet.
9. Membership Report: Wendy Heller
Three applications may have been corrupted by the website and were not received, and Wendy has no information on the identity of those applicants. She asked that anyone who had applied and whose name was not announced to contact her.
We received 13 associate and 19 full member applications. All applications were approved.
The Executive Board recommended setting a deadline for membership applications of September 1st for each year. The membership voted unanimously to support this recommendation.
Members were reminded that associate membership is available to graduate students and those who recently received a Ph.D. from a psychopathology program (if a full member sponsors the applicant). Associate registration rates are substantially lower than the student non-member rates. It was recommended that this be added to the call for abstracts.
10. Website Development and Oversight Committee (DOC) Report: Angus MacDonald
Angus MacDonald and Lenn Simms have joined the Website DOC. The website committee chair and the Executive Board, in consultation with this year’s Program Committee and Membership Committee Chairs, identified a number of goals for improving the functionality of the website (e.g., increased visibility of awards and associate membership information, and feedback regarding whether submissions to the website were received).
Shaun Eack serves as Chair of the Website DOC, and he is piloting a reprogrammed website.
The Executive Board supported expending funds to hire website programmers and the members indicated their assent with this decision.
11. Publications Committee Report: Jason Shiffman
Jason Shiffman and Deborah Walder have spearheaded the newsletter since 2006. The newsletter has become student driven and focused on interviews with SRP members. Sixty students have interviewed and reported on 20 members.
Over the past year, Emily Durbin and Vijay Mittal have served on the publications committee, and they will take on leadership as Jason and Deborah step down from this role.
12. Passings: John Neale
We have created a page on the website to commemorate our deceased members. Please send updates to the secretary or webmaster.
Old/ Ongoing Business
1. Eric Turkheimer’s term as a FABBS representative for SRP is ending. A new FABBS representative is needed in the DC area. Lee Anna asked for volunteers to contact her.
2. Lee Anna requested that SRP members volunteer to write brief blurbs about important research for FABBS to present to Congress as part of an effort to garner increased support for psychopathology research; deadline = Oct. 15. Marti Harrow volunteered to provide a blurb. Lee Anna asked anyone interested to contact her.
3. Meeting Liability Insurance – Deanna Barch/ Sheri Johnson
There appear to be two relevant forms of insurance for events, both of which are purchased each year for the specific conference: liability insurance and event cancellation insurance. Purchasing both forms of insurance is expected to cost approximately $2,000 per year.
The membership expressed approval for investing in insurance.
4. Future Meetings
2013 Oakland, CA: Sheri Johnson & Ann Kring
(9/19/13—9/22/13; Marriott Oakland City Center)
2014 Evanston, IL: Stew Shankman (9/11/14—9/14/14; Hilton Orrington)
2015 New Orleans, LA: Alex Cohen (10/1/15—10/4/15; Astor Crowne Plaza)
2016 Several potential cities were discussed.
5. Thanks to outgoing board members: Kate Harkness and Howard Berenbaum
Thanks to outgoing past-president: Michael Pogue-Geile
New Business
1. Requests for reduced registration fees will be discussed by the Executive Board.
2. Items from the floor
The meeting adjourned at approximately 6:45 pm.