General Information

Our 2024 meeting will be held in Montreal, Canada from Thursday, October 17 through Sunday, October 20, 2024.

Registration for the 2024 Annual Meeting is not yet open.  Check back here for more registration information as well as the hotel booking link soon. 


In light of the recent COVID-19 pandemic and our commitment to fostering a meeting environment that is welcoming to all, masks will likely be recommended at the SRP annual meeting but please check for updated information in late September 2024. As clinical psychologists and as a society that has voiced a strong commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion, we are all responsible for fostering an inclusive meeting environment. Many scholars with varied circumstances (e.g., disabilities, health concerns, caregiving responsibilities, family members who are immunocompromised) are systematically excluded from conferences when COVID-19 precautions are dropped. Therefore, we kindly encourage attendees to wear a mask during indoor events. Masks will be available at the meeting.

To log in to the SRP portal to register, you will use your member ID (email) and password. If you need to change your password, you can do so using the “Forgot your password? Reset password” option on the portal landing page. If you need to change your member ID (email), please see instructions below. If you are not listed in our member directory, you can create an account using the “Not a current user? Create a New User account” option on the portal landing page. 

To change your member ID:

First, go here and log in with your existing ID and password.

Step 1:  Choose “Update Profile” in the top right corner.

Step 2: Scroll down to “contact information,” there you will see a text box to input your desired email.

Step 3:  Scroll down further to “login details,” and ensure that your new email address is entered correctly and selected.